Will the Real You Please Stand Up?

Still in your seat, confused about who you are now? Has your self-portrait changed? Good for you if you can articulate a clear answer. For most of us, we have not added updates to our perception of that bright-eyed person we were 20-30 years ago. Some of us are still trying to live up to…

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Fix the “Typos” That Block Your Success

Typos are generally small unintended misspellings. Usually, typos show up in your writing or typing, changing meanings, or confusing words. However, in life, tiny misses confuse your outcomes. In your mind, intentions and destinations are known, but somehow unproductive habits can lead to missed goals and personal improvements. Introducing purposeful habits can lead to success.…

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Step into the Unknown to Find Your True Self

Change is how we grow. It takes courage to venture beyond what you know on many levels, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Once you decide to step out of your comfort zone, your perspective of how you view the world changes. New possibilities are likely to be revealed to you. Change begins beyond your comfort zone.…

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Are You a Trustworthy Confidante?

We seldom talk about confidentiality until something goes awry and feelings are hurt. Recently, I was playing golf with my golfing buddy, and out of the blue, she said I should be a “bartender.” Of course, I asked why.  She said that she had talked with our mutual business colleague a few days earlier, who…

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Do You Have a Map or GPS for Success?

Everyone wants to be successful and live a meaningful and fulfilling life without major struggles or stressful survival issues. It is human nature to want to be successful. Each of us defines it differently. There is no right or wrong answer, nor is there an absolute quantifiable measurement. Although, society holds up certain criteria, milestones,…

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Want to Get More Things Done?

Are you constantly bombarded with things to do or things you want to get done? Even if you create lists, tasks and projects seem never to end. The answer is to get a workable plan to manage your life and work that suits your personality and mindset. Think about the time of day when you…

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Focus on the Result to Break a Bad Habit

We all have habits; many are automatic and beneficial, but some are not helpful, even negative. Your brain performs many complicated, multifaceted functions and assigns many activities to autopilot; such as biological and physical functions—like breathing and digesting food. This allows your brain to efficiently perform ingrained operations at the subconscious level to work on…

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Call Upon Your Personal Courage to Face Fears

It’s a challenge to face your fears and not being paralyzed by them. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He said these words as a way of comforting a country devastated by a harsh depression. Even today those words can be comforting, especially when we realize that…

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7 Strategies for Coping with Change

Yes, change happens; it’s inevitable and part of the process of living. Few things remain the same. Change can be positive or negative. The only thing you can do is to learn how to cope with it and build up your self-knowledge to manage it when it appears. Yes, it’s scary because change is fraught…

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